R&D Profession
R&D Profession
3rd Party Cloud
Google, Alexa, Apple, Baidu, Tmall, Tencent and AI, Voice Command…
Our professional abilities contain various of technology systems. We take these points very seriously and intently, from our main core (WiFi, RF, BT, Lora…) to our devices (USB-C, lighting, type C…) and even connect to the AI devices and cloud platforms. The key of AIoT.Our professional abilities contain various of technology systems. We take these points very seriously and intently, from our main core (WiFi, RF, BT, Lora…) to our devices (USB-C, lighting, type C…) and even connect to the AI devices and cloud platforms. The key of AIoT.
Would you like to know more about our professions?
Successful projects require not only a good idea, but also professional connected manufacturing technology.
Talk to us and let us work together to realize your ideas!